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Smart Ways To Reduce Your Heating Cost This Winter

During the winter months, many households struggle to manage the increased utility cost associated with heating. It is a careful balancing act of trying to keep costs down while maintaining the warmth needed to be comfortable and safe indoors. Fortunately, there are several ways that homeowners can reduce the cost of heating their homes without sacrificing the comfort that we all deserve in our homes.

Understanding The Benefit And Drawback Of Your Windows

The windows in your home can be both a huge benefit and a huge disadvantage when it comes to heating your home. There can be a substantial amount of warmth added to your home in the daytime if the blinds or curtains are open. Radiant heat from the sun can add several degrees to the rooms facing the sun. But you need to open shades to take full advantage of the free heat.

In contrast, once the sun goes down, your windows can be a huge detriment. Single pane windows offer very little insulation and account for up to 25% of the heat loss in many homes. The solution to eliminating heat loss is adding insulation to windows and even sliding glass doors. For doors and windows that do not need to be opened in the winter, plastic sheeting can be applied to seal out the cold. For continued access to the doors and windows, consider covering them with heavy curtains or blinds for protection from heat loss. In a worst-case situation, blankets can be used temporarily until other window coverings can be installed.

Spend A Little To Save A Lot

A programmable thermostat is a great tool to help you save on your heating costs. And for a small investment of time and money, you can be ready to start saving. These thermostats allow you to reduce your home’s temperature during the time you are asleep or away from home. It might not sound like a good investment at first. But think about the number of hours each week that you are sleeping or at work. If you sleep seven hours a night, that is 49 hours. And if you are working 40 hours and have commute time, that will get you to almost 100 hours each week that you can reduce your heating costs. That savings will add up and help drop your monthly heating cost.

Around The House

There are also a few simple tips to follow around your home to help cut your heating cost. Make sure that no furniture is blocking your heat vents and stopping the warm air from circulating correctly. Closing doors to small rooms can also help to hold warmth and feel more comfortable without turning up your thermostat setting.

Regular Service

Like all mechanical devices, your furnace requires some regular service to remain operating at peak energy-efficiency. And the best way to get the most out of your furnace is with an annual service visit from the pros at Thompson & Thompson Service Group. Think of our visit as an investment in the overall well-being of your furnace. We will make sure that it is clean and ready to heat your home all winter. And we will also ensure that any small issues are corrected before they turn into much more costly damage. This will provide many years of reliable service from your furnace. 

Call (912) 549-1521 to schedule your furnace inspection. We offer appointments in the evening and on the weekends to eliminate scheduling stress during your workweek. And we always pledge to provide you as many cost-effective solutions as possible when a repair is needed.

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