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Reverse osmosis water purification system at home. Installed water purification filters. Clear water concept

Benefits of Adding a Water Filter

Known for its numerous historic homes, Savannah is also where Paula Deen started her cooking empire. Whether you live in one of the city’s older homes or a newer house, you should consider adding a water filter. These systems have many benefits that you can learn about before you talk to our experts about installing it.

Eliminate Contaminants

Though Savannah water is generally safe, it has more contaminants than you might think. These contaminants come from wild animals that live close to the water source along with the people who live nearby. Water can also pick up contaminants as it moves through your pipes and chemicals that reach the groundwater. Common contaminants include aluminum and copper along with copper and nitrate. A water filter system will remove those contaminants and leave you with water that’s safe to drink.

Use Less Plastic

Many people drink from plastic water bottles at home because they don’t like the way their water tastes as it comes from the tap. Though Savannah treats its water supply, you may find that it has a strange taste or a foul odor. Small filters work on individual taps and are suitable for the sinks in your home. You’ll save more money when you install a whole house system. Once you set up the system, you’ll find that you love the way your water tastes so much that you don’t need to use plastic water bottles.

Reduce Your Water Usage

Savannah has a problem with hard water, which refers to the mineral deposits found in your water. Those minerals leave behind deposits on your dishes, which will require that you wash them multiple times. Hard water also affects the clothing you wash at home. Not only can it leave your clothes looking dingy or stained, but it can also make clothing feel stiff. You may even see deposits on your tub or sink. Using a water filter removes those deposits and cuts down on your cleaning and washing.

Maintain Your Pipes

The same hard water that makes you use too much water also damages your pipes. As the water moves through the pipes, trace amounts of those minerals stay behind. It doesn’t take long for those deposits to form clogs that block your water. You risk the water forcing those deposits loose and causing them to come through your taps, too. Adding a water filtration system to your home helps you maintain your pipes and make them last longer.

Savannah suffers from hard water, which gives your water a chemical taste and makes you reach for plastic bottles. The poor water also makes you use more water and spend more money on pipe maintenance. Call TNT to schedule the installation of a water filtration system that will help you avoid all of these problems.

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