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4 Signs That You Need A Licensed Plumber

It can be easy to take your home’s plumbing for granted. But after a day or even just a few hours with no running water or indoor plumbing, you will have a new and greater appreciation for all the convenience provided by your plumbing system. But the wise choice is to pay attention to the hints that your plumbing system is providing to tell you when there is trouble on the horizon. The following four signs are clear indications that you need to call a licensed plumber for help before you have a severe issue that could make living in your home feel like camping in a really big tent.

Slow Drains

No one stands at the sink, and times how quickly a drain cleans. But you are sure to notice if there is still water in the sink after you have washed and dried your hands. Likewise, you will see when you are standing in backed-up dirty water while showering. Both of these situations are not normal and should be telling you that you need the help of a plumbing professional.

If you ignore the signs of a drain clog forming, it will only get worse. What you might not be considering is that all the drains in your home, even the toilet drains, are connected. So instead of a backup of dirty water in your shower, it could be raw sewage. The only solution is a call to your plumber for clog removal and a professional drain cleaning.

Unstable Water Pressure

The water pressure in your home should always remain relatively consistent. If you are noticing a change in the pressure, there is a problem. Of course, if you have several appliances running and are in the shower, you could see a pressure drop when the washing machine fills. But if the pressure fluctuates for no apparent reason, and the issue occurs throughout your house, there is a problem. The culprit could be a leak, faulty pressure regulator, or a problem with your water meter. The only way to determine the cause of the wacky water pressure is to have a licensed plumber take a look at your home’s plumbing.

Dripping Faucets

Nothing is more annoying when you are trying to fall asleep than that constant dripping sound from the bathroom faucet. Well, maybe the drip from the kitchen faucet is almost as annoying. But the real issue is the water that is being wasted. A single faucet that drips ten times a minute will waste about a gallon and a half of water each day. Over the course of a year, that comes to almost 550 gallons of water. If you have a couple of dripping faucets, over 1,000 gallons of water are wasted each year, or about 12 bathtubs full. Above the waste of water, the dripping will also cause your fixtures to wear out more quickly and could result in a severe leak that will cause costly water damage to your home. Call a plumber to repair the leaks or replace the faucets.

Contaminated Water

If you see specks or flecks in your water, there is a problem. In most cases, the particulates are tiny bits of metal from worn-out or corroded water lines. Not only is this not healthy for you or your loved ones to consume, but it is also unhealthy for your water lines. They could soon be springing leaks inside the walls and floors of your home.

To avoid costly plumbing issues, call (912) 225-4056. A licensed plumber from Thompson & Thompson Service Group will arrive promptly to eliminate any annoying and potentially hazardous problems.

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